Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Vivamus quis mi. Nulla porta dolor. 

A question of existence

I came across some interesting thoughts the least couple of days. Although I don’t write about current affairs nearly as much as I used to,

Syed Saleem Shazad

I read Shazad’s writings on Pakistan and the Taliban for years. Every single story of his informed me as to the real, on the ground

Into a groove

When it comes to blogging and just writing in general, its important to get your groove on. For a while there I was writing wak


Man everywhere i look the oppression is just getting deeper and deeper — at least when I peep the news. there is China doing all

China Travel Articles

I have been working for for a couple months now and I am beginning to develop a sense of loyalty to the place. I

Time-Lapse Video in China

Here is a post for about a group of (actually an individual named Joe) filmmakers who are doing some interesting work with time-lapse and

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