Man everywhere i look the oppression is just getting deeper and deeper — at least when I peep the news.

there is China doing all it can to keep dissidents either silent or dead or scared out of their wits

there is Iran, hailing revolutions one day, torturing them the next

there is Libya and Saudi Arabia and Yemen and Bahrain all on fire

there’s the damn US with that damn disappointment Obama — i know, need to give him time right? please — calling for the freedom to connect with one hand, trying to silence wikileaks with the other. its all bullshit.

so i go to facebook, this new tool for the rebel and what do i see?

my people doing their thing:

there is my man Dustin Joseph and the Urban Cuisine Tour
just saw DSK’s Kunming video, so fresh and so clean
the previous post has the stuff i’m up to with my man Luc Larose
big daddy villar always has something popping …
big daddy jake and the MPLS crew always has something brewing …

i kinda want to cheer for arabs, but then i read about poor Lara Logan

i mean whats a sensitive brother like me supposed to do????

Picture of Sascha Matuszak
Sascha Matuszak

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