China Travel Articles

I have been working for for a couple months now and I am beginning to develop a sense of loyalty to the place. I began working here primarily because I felt I needed a stable income to take care of my stinky-ass son and his mama. Of course I could have kept going the way I was and we would have made it all good, but this job presented me with a full-time writing job with a decent salary in, Shanghai, a city that I had been curious about anyway.

So I took it. I realized a long time ago that I am not cubicle-oriented and I hate corporate culture and all that. In the US I would have been fired a long time ago, but here I deal mostly with expats who feel more or less the same way I do about 9-5s in general and Ctrip in particular. So there were a few days (and still are) when I wanted to pull the pin on this grenade I have chillin here underneath my desk and there are other days when I think to myself, I should get some plants and a nice calender for this little colorless cube I work in. Maybe I should buy a water heater and bring my tea pot in to work so i can get my chill on during the day.

And when I peep Google Analytics and see how our efforts to make the blog here someplace I would like to read actually paying off (consistent 1k per day visits since last Friday) then I feel pretty good about things and I start coming up with ways that I can help out and make the site tighter, cooler, more fun and generally something I want to be a part of.

We’ll see how long I stick around. Depends on a lot of factors. But so far I am pretty pleased and you might catch me reppin this place soon. For now, you can check out some of the stories I wrote for China Travel so far on my Non-fiction page.

Picture of Sascha Matuszak
Sascha Matuszak

3 thoughts on “China Travel Articles

  1. Glad you haven’t pulled that pin yet… (“we just can’t be amazed…”). But seriously, get some plants and settle in. We love the company! (“Company” as in the kind you keep, not the kind you work for).

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