You might wanna ask Somebody

One my oldest brain patnas in the world, Tshisuaka aka aka aka has got some ish going on at

This brother is a poet and a musician and his thoughts have been places.

One of my deepest memories of this man is once ina studio when we were all wondering which way was south and the B as he was known then put onsome headphones pushed whomever it was hanging around the sound equipment out of his way and just got down and into it. he was bouncing left and right and pressing buttons and sounds were slipping out of his brain through his sinuses and dropping off of his tongue and for several hours these were the only signs we had that

something was going on

when he was finished and played what he had created, the entire room went from white noise chaos and confusion to a unit a family a community that gathered around and told stories till day broke and I know and we know that B saved us that night.

Peep Game:

Onward Christians — Tshisuaka

Picture of Sascha Matuszak
Sascha Matuszak

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