Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Vivamus quis mi. Nulla porta dolor. 

Scattered Fam

So we’re on the eternal search for “the Spot” that will allow me to sip tea and write best sellers while bean makes big big

Friedmann has found his issue

He is just hammering away, hammering away at the alternative, renewable energy grid that would bring the US out of its doldrums. No mercy. I

Clean Energy

Friedmann has been hammering away at this issue for the past few weeks. I think the nation is ready for a Kennedy-style mission to develop

Wandering Blind

I can’t read my blog right now, but that might end. It has been a common occurrence since I started this thing. Sometimes my proxy

holla at me

does anyone out there work with alternative fuels/renewable energy on a large scale — research, investment, development, promotion over breakfast at the sunny side up

orange seeds in the ashtray

Yet another of the three peeps peepin this blog, who refuses to answer me in this blog. Of course, copy and paste is my faithful

the spikeman mule

so yo Obama hit back with a speech that was exactly what I had been thinking and arguing in a few forums and blogs. The

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